Monday, May 30, 2011

Milestones along the way

What a year....

Current mood:accomplished
Well it's been quite a year a little over 1 year ago I had a life changing, life saving surgery. I was 564 lbs at the time of my surgery today I sit here at 323 lbs. I still have ways to go and probably 1 or 2 more surgeries before my final transformation is complete but I'm well on my way. Before my surgery I suffered from Congestive heart failure,*heighest weight was 700 +lbs, pulmonary edema, severe sleep apnea, *at my sleep study they  told me I stopped breathing 59 times in ONE hour, that's about once a minute* angina, back and knee problem, and c.o.pd (at one time they had me on oxygen 18 hours a day, and anxiety as if that wasn't enough. Ironically enough my cholesterol, sugar and pressure were always normal.
One month after my surgery I was off all my medications, 3 months after my surgery I was off my bipap for my sleep apnea and also down 106 lbs. I have accomplished so many things this year.. things that most people take for granted on an everyday basis...
This year I have done the following:
1. I flew on a plane for the first time in my life
2. I fit into a chair with arms without hurting my thighs(us big girls know how that is lol)
3. I am able to walk more than 2 or 3 feet at time without gasping for air and having to sit down.
4. I think I actually made my father proud of me for one of the very few times in my life.
5. I went to the pool without being embarrassed or caring what anyone thought.
6. I go shopping every week with my boyfriend something that he used to do by himself. I still have to ride the scooter around because my excess skin prevents me from walking that far.
7. I can actually shop off the rack!!
8. When I go out in public I am not paranoid that people are staring at me because of my size.
9. I have lost a total of 377 lbs from my heighest weight and 241 lbs since my surgery.
10. I now cook and clean and wash dishes standing up.
11. I have a full time job for the first time in over 4 yrs
12. I am not afraid to go outside in public
13. I cut over 16 inches off my hair and donated it to locks of love in the name of my dear friend Jeremy Norman who passed away Dec 23, 2007.
14. I enjoy meeting new people and telling them my story, and actually look them in the eye when I talk instead of hanging my head down.
15. I am enjoying life and actually living instead of existing in a shell of a body
I have to say I think I have come pretty far in this past year and I know I have a ways to go.. but I know it can only get better than this..

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